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The brain is the central command unit that controls the function of each and every function of cell, tissue and organ in the body.  This means that the health, longevity and quality of brain functioning has a huge impact on the quality of life that you enjoy. When the brain reduces in its functionality, you are certainly going to suffer far-reaching effects on your psychological and physiological well-being. 


Some of the consequences of a damaged or disrupted brain include pain disorders and movement disorders. It is also important to note that these effects often occur in a subtle manner.  Medically it is referred to as subclinical. The symptoms slowly advance in such a way that the afflicted person may not be aware of the developing disorders. 


Alzheimer’s disease is a devastating disease of the brain. Many of those afflicted cannot remember the names of family members or friends. Nor can they recall their way home or to certain frequently traveled destinations. 


Parkinson’s disease, on the other hand, is a progressive condition that affects the nervous system. It is marked by muscular rigidity, tremor, slow and imprecise movement. It commonly affects people in their middle age or senior years. Parkinson’s disease is associated with a deficiency of dopamine, a neurotransmitter, and the degeneration of the brain’s basal ganglia. By the time Parkinson’s disease is diagnosed the brain has usually already suffered considerable damage. 


The Healing Impact of Nitric Oxide Supplements

Nitric oxide plays a critical role in the body particularly in reference to the brain and arteries. It prevents, halts, and even reverses processes that may lead to conditions such as Alzheimer’s and Parkinson’s disease. The main point of consideration, when sourcing for nitric oxide supplements, are the ingredients it contains. The two most popular, high performing and safe ingredients used in nitric oxide supplements are Vinpocetine and Huperzine. They are plant extracts and, for this reason, natural and safe to use. 



Nitric Oxide Supplements and Their Effects on Alzheimer’s and Parkinson’s Diseases
Can a Nitric Oxide Supplement Do For You?

Vinpocetine Extract

This ingredient is extracted from a chemical known as vincamine commonly found in the leaves of the periwinkle flower. It has an extraordinary healing impact on concentration, coordination, inflammation and memory impairment. These are the main concerns of Alzheimer’s and Parkinson’s disease. According to research findings over the past two decades, Vinpocetine has been found to work extremely well in enhancing blood perfusion in all corners of the brain. This increased blood perfusion safeguards the brain from cases of overstimulation that may potentially damage it. 


To achieve this, Vinpocetine ensures that adequate quantities of nutrients and oxygen are delivered up to the furthest corners of the brain to increase its metabolic activities. Simultaneously, this ingredient 

protects the brain cells from the exhaustion that may result from the increased metabolic activity. The plaque build-up in the brain chambers of Alzheimer’s disease patients and the death of dopamine-producing cells in the brains of Parkinson’s patients can be prevented by supplying the brain with adequate quantities of nitric oxide. Since the body cannot produce enough nitric oxide as it ages, nitric oxide supplements are necessary. Vinpocetine avails the nitric oxide benefits of protecting the brain from these diseases by boosting the production of nitric oxide. 


Huperzine Extract

This extract from toothed club moss has phenomenal medicinal value manifested in its ability to enhance acetylcholine which is a strategic activating neurotransmitter in the brain. The overall effect of all this is to improve brain activation even to the outermost areas of the cortex. This in turn enables us to exercise our normal human activities with an enhanced degree of creativity, concentration and coordination. 


Huperzine also protects the neurons in cases of brain over-stimulation technically referred to as excitotoxicity. This over-stimulation when left unchecked can lead to a demise of the brain cells because of their inability to keep up with the demands that come with the brain activation. Nitric oxide supplements containing Huperzine enhance the performance of the brain and protect it from the potential effects that come with enhanced activity. This further protects the brain from degenerative diseases such as Alzheimer’s and Parkinson’s. When shopping for nitric oxide supplements, choose the formulas that contain these two powerful ingredients: Huperzine and Vinpocetine. For optimal nitric oxide benefits, you can also look for those supplements which in addition to these two ingredients have other nitric oxide precursors.

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